
Thursday, 9 December 2010

Trachemys Scripta Scripta

I bought turtles :D

Le turtles
Sister chose the colour of the stones and I went along with it because I didn't care. In hindsight I should have said no -_-'. Pinkish purple is the least mutant ninja colour I can think of (yeah that's right Donatello I said it!). I'll probably buy green stones sometime this week.

The turtles are yellow bellied sliders. Right now they're about 4cm from head to tail but can grow beyond 15cm. They can live for longer than 40 years in captivity. Contrary to popular beliefs they are freakin' fast. You'll have to hold them carefully other wise they'll scamper off your hands and jump off.
Guess I have teenage mutant kamikaze turtles.

Their names are Blockblock and The Wizard. Yep, I chose the names. I had to. If I left that responsibility to my siblings they would've chosen stupid non-turtle names like emerald or robert.

Maybe I'll dress them up as Leonardo and Raphael one day and do a figure review on them :) .


  1. They're cute! I think the PINK stones look fine, personally, but green would look good too. Also, I think THE WIZARD is an impeccable choice of name. I salute you!

    >Right now they're about 4cm from head to tail but can grow beyond 15cm.

    I'm curious as to how quick these fellas grow.


  2. You need to find mini-throwing stars to add to the look.

  3. motherfukin TURTLES!!!!

    friggin awesome... ive always wanted a turtle :D

  4. FUCK YES !! TURTLES !! Seriously dude, they are awesome !! Just name them after the Super Mutant Ninja Turtles, no shame in calling them Raphael and Donatello !!

  5. Ha, love turtles. Definitely agree though that those little buggers can get real fast.

  6. Oh, turtles! I love turtles, man. I'd have some in my room if I weren't so lazy that I'd endanger them with my lack of care.

    The one on the right in the first picture looks a little traumatized, heh.

    >You'll have to hold them carefully other wise they'll scamper off your hands and jump off.

    I think I'd die of guilt if I dropped a turtle.
