
Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Answers, answers everywhere

I'm going to use this post to answer a few questions I've been getting lately.

What's it like being a Dream Weaver?
Okay, I guess. I'm my own boss and I get to decide which projects I take on. There is a hierarchy system in play but the work is pretty much independant. I've only needed partners once in my entire career as a weaver.
How much do you get paid?
Depends on the task. It isn't cheap working on really demanding projects such as being king of the dinosaurs or leading the rebel alliance against the sith. I once had a request from a man who wished he could speak with a scottish accent and shout out obscenities at a Berlin international film festival. It didn't cost him a penny.
How does one become a Dream Weaver?
I can't tell you how to start out as a weaver because every weaver's initiation is unique, but I can tell you it takes many years of practise and hard work. A senior member of the Dream Weaver Council (the DWC) will contact you and put you through trials to test your potential. After a few years of training you must sit a couple of exams involving dream making and punching tiger woods in the face, without him knowing, in the middle of his U.S open. If you pass, you will be awarded a Dream Weaver certificate and one million dollars in monopoly money.
What is the hardest project you've worked on so far?
It would have to be when Sarah Palin asked to be president and not get shot within 24 hours. It was too big a task for one man alone. I had to assemble a team of weavers to bring Gandalf to life and have him turn all her enemies into super nintendo entertainment systems.
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.

That's it for today. If you have any questions you'd like to ask me feel free to let me know in the comments section and I'll make another Q&A post sometime in the following days to come.
Aisling  :)


  1. this is one of my more favorite blog posts from you :)

  2. Your blog is difficult for my eyes to handle, the yellow text on the semi transparent background is eye rape. Just figured I'd give you a heads up.

  3. say whaaat? how does dreamweaving work?

  4. That's better man! Sorry if I came off sounding harsh at all, juts trying to give some constructive criticism :D

  5. What is love? That was the best. :)

  6. Haha, really liked this blog, interesting take on dreams. Actually be pretty cool to be a dream weaver.

  7. i like your inspiration, keep it up =)

  8. What is love?
    Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.
    Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.
    Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.
